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 4 steps to improve productivity

1. Set> Take some time to set definite goals and a deadline for achieving them
2. Write> Write out the goals you’ve set on a piece of paper or a diary
3. Prioritize > Do the most important tasks first and work your way to the minor ones
4. Focus> Identify and concentrate on areas that are vital to your overall success

 How to ensure you develop your life daily

1. Gather>  Make a list of everything you need to do and the roles you occupy 

2. Classify>  Group the items on the list into tasks, small projects, and big assignment

3. Allocate>  Decide how much time you will dedicate to the tasks daily, weekly, and monthly

To choose your frog

> Organize To choose your frog Value Not all tasks have the same amount of impact 

 >Value Identify the most important activity

>Impact Specify which activities will have the maximum impact

Key insights:  Eat That Frog

1. Develop intrinsic motivation Getting important tasks done on time requires the right attitude. Do not wait for anyone to push you before doing what’s needed. 

2. Actions have consequences To get good results, take the right action. Estimate each option to realize the pros and cons of your decision.

3. Eat the frog Start your day doing the task you are most likely to procrastinate. If there are two important tasks, eat the uglier frog first — do the less interesting one first.

4. Stay focused Have a single-minded focus on completing vital tasks that determine your progress. A successful and meaningful life that attracts respect from others and engenders happiness comes from finishing essential tasks with a laser-like focus

4..Be the best at what you do Prioritize learning the necessary skills to perform the tasks you have to do. Sharpening your skills will enable you to do more quickly and prevent repetition.

5. Apply the 80/20 Rule 80% of the results you get come from 20% of your efforts. Identify and zoom in on those that fall in the 20% category.

6. Do one thing at a time No matter the size of the task, doing one thing at a time makes it possible for you to complete it.

7. Decide what isn’t important Learn to say No to tasks that do not affect your development. Delegate some, eliminate others, and outsource where necessary.


Rahaas cun 

 4 tillaabo oo lagu horumarinayo wax soo saarka 

1. Dhigoo>   Qaado wakhti  si loo dejiyo yoolal qeexan  iyo wakhtiga kama dambaysta ah  gaaritaanka iyaga 

2.  Qor yoolalka>  waad ku sii socotaa  warqad  ama xusuus qor 

3.  Mudnaanta>  Inta ugu badan samee  hawlaha muhiimka ah  marka hore oo shaqadaada  jidka loo maro kuwa yar  kuwa waweyn

4.  Diirada>  nso  xoogga saar meelaha ay yihiin  Aqoonso oo aqoo

muhiim kuu ah  guusha guud 

    Sida loo hubiyo inaad horumariso noloshaada maalin kasta 

1. Ururin>  Samee liiska wax walba  waxaad u baahan tahay inaad sameyso iyo  doorarka aad qabato 

2. Kala saar  Koox alaabta liiska ku jirta  hawlaha, mashaariicda yaryar,  iyo hawlo waaweyn 

3  Qoondeeyso>  Go'aanso inta jeer  waxaad u huri doontaa  hawlaha maalinlaha ah, toddobaadlaha, iyo  bishii 

Si aad u doorato rahaaga 

1. Abaabulaan>  Dhammaan hawlaha ma laha  isla qadarka saamaynta 

 2. Qiimaha> Aqoonso waxa ugu muhiimsan  dhaqdhaqaaq 

3. Saamayn> Qeex hawlaha  waxay yeelan doontaa ugu badnaan  

Fikradaha muhiimka ah 

 Rahaas cun 


1. Samee dhiirigelin gudaha ah  Helitaanka hawlo muhiim ah oo lagu qabto waqtigii loogu talagalay.waxay u baahan tahay hab-dhaqan sax ah. Ha sugin  qof kasta oo ku riixaya ka hor inta uusan samayn  maxaa loo baahan yahay

2. Ficilku waxay leeyihiin cawaaqib Si aad u hesho natiijooyin wanaagsan, qaado tallaabo sax ah. Qiyaas ikhtiyaar kasta si aad u xaqiijiso faa'iidooyinka iyo khasaarooyinka go'aankaaga. 

3. Cun raha 

 Bilow maalintaada inaad qabato hawsha aad u badan tahay inaad dib u dhigto. Haddii ay jiraan laba hawlood oo muhiim ah, cun raha foosha xun marka hore — samee midka xiisaha yar marka hore 

4. Diirada saar inaad diirada saarto inaad dhamaystirto hawlaha muhiimka ah ee go'aaminaya  

horumarkaaga. Nolol guul leh oo macno leh oo soo jiidata ixtiraamka dadka kale oo dhalisa farxad waxay ka timaadaa dhamaystirka hawlaha muhiimka ah iyada oo diiradda la saarayo laysarka.

5. Noqo waxa ugu fiican waxa aad samayso Mudnaanta u yeelo barashada xirfadaha lagama maarmaanka ah si aad u qabato hawlaha ay tahay inaad qabato. Foorida xirfadahaaga waxay awood kuu siinaysaa inaad wax badan ku qabato wakhti yar gudaheed  

oo ka hortag ku celcelinta. 

6.  Codso Xeerka 80/20  80% natiijooyinka aad hesho ayaa yimid  

laga soo bilaabo 20% dadaalkaaga. Aqoonsado  kuwa ku dhaca qaybta 20  oo soo dhawee iyaga. 

7.  Hal shay samee markiiba  Si kasta oo ay hawshu u weyn tahay, samaynta  hal shay ayaa markiiba suurtogal ka dhigaya  si aad u dhamaystirto. 

8. Go'aanso waxa muhiimka ah  Baro inaad tiraahdo Maya hawlaha aan qaban  saamayn horumarkaaga. Qaar ka mid ah u wakiisho, qaar kalena tirtir,  iyo dibadda marka loo baahdo 













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